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Adults, take note

Too often, we hear comments made in public about kids and what is wrong with them these days. We who have the privilege to work alongside them on a daily basis generally respond with an emphatic, “nothing!” Kids today do deal with many more temptations and have access to so many things both good and bad.
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How seniors can save on prescription drug costs

Savvy Senior Dear Savvy Senior, I take several medications for multiple health conditions and the prices keep going up, even with my Medicare prescription drug insurance. Can you recommend any tips that can help cut my costs? Tapped Out Tina Dear Tina, The high cost of prescription drugs is an ongoing problem that stings everyone, but it usually affects seniors more because they have a greater need for medications and because Medicare doesn’t cover all their drug costs.

Filling a freezer

Insight For the first time in a long time, I won’t have to spend a Saturday defrosting an upright freezer in anticipation of the local meat processer calling to say our half steer is ready for pick up. Ideally this would have happened last fall, but I was really trading one hand-me-down freezer for another.
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Retirement planning tips for single women

Savvy Senior Dear Savvy Senior, What retirement planning tips can you recommend to single women? I’m a divorced 58-year-old women with a teenaged son and have very little saved for retirement. Financially Vulnerable Dear Vulnerable, It’s an unfortunate reality, but many single women – whether they’re divorced, widowed or never married – face much greater financial challenges in retirement than men.

In raid of newspaper, law enforcement attacks democracy

Guest Column Tim Stauffer Iola Register Editor's note: Times-Sentinel Newspapers stands in solidarity with the Marion County Record, which was subject to a raid last week that appears to violate both federal law and First Amendment protections given to journalists to help them serve their Constitutional role as watchdogs of the government. We feel our colleague Tim Stauffer, managing editor of the Iola Register and president of the Kansas Press Association, spoke on the situation as eloquently as anyone in the state.